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TKDN Products Purchasing Policy and How to Utilize It?

Since several government agencies, including ministries, non-ministerial government agencies, regional work units, state-owned enterprises, regionally owned enterprises, and private business entities whose procurement of goods comes from the APBD, are required to use domestic products, some companies involved in the industrial and trade sectors are beginning to consider having a TKDN certificate. This is governed by Law No. 3 of 2014.

In addition, the government mandates that products must have a minimum TKDN value of 25% and a minimum BMP value of 15%, for a total value of 40%. This has an effect on the various government tenders, as businesses without TKDN certificates on their products will be disqualified and unable to participate in the tender.

The following is an example of the calculation of government procurement of TKDN certified products

The TKDN is divided into two categories, the TKDN and the TKDN IK. The TKDN IK is a facility that was made available by the government to help small businesses participate in enhancing their credentials and competitiveness. The Ministry of Industry facilitates the TKDN IK.

TKDN is currently implemented by PT Surveyor Indonesia and PT Sucofindo.

Based on the results, it is concluded that various procurement projects held by the government will be inhibited for product suppliers that do not have TKDN.

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